
Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Random Photos

By Sara:

Here are some fun and interesting pictures from our lives over the past few months.  We got kind of behind on sharing pictures, so some of these are a little bit old.

First of all, Paul, who works for us, has been saving the money he has been earning in order to start a shop.  He just started it recently and we went to visit.  We bought some sugar while were there.

At home, every evening, Caleb and our friend's dog know when it is time to go for a walk.  This is what happens around 5pm.  However, they have gotten to the point where they nudge open the door earlier and earlier each day, maybe thinking (hoping) that it is evening already?

Beorn's favorite place to hang out is on top of the clay oven, even when there is a fire burning inside.

In fact, he loves to climb on anything he can.  Here is a video of one time when he sneaked inside and started jumping on the furniture.

He also was hanging out in the wheelbarrow sometimes.

We had some heavy rains in October and November and it got to the point where the soil was pretty saturated.  As a result, one day when it rained a lot, the water just sat in our yard for a few hours before it was able to start soaking in.

I bought this giant passionfruit from one of the pastors in Anthony's Amuria TLT group.

This is a picture with the flower for that passionfruit plant:

And the inside (it was really good! - you can eat the outer part and it tastes kind of like honeydew melon and then the middle part with the seeds is like regular passionfruit):

I also chopped my hair short again.

We enjoyed celebrating Thanksgiving with Trent, who has been working in Kaberamaido the past few months.

Then, the next day we went hiking in Mbale with him and another friend, Eric.

Sometimes people take pictures of us and aren't very sneaky about it.  I got a picture of this guy who was taking pictures of me.

Sadly, in preparation for moving, I had to sell all of my animals.  I said goodbye to the goats and chickens yesterday and I was very sad to see them go.  I wanted to take pictures with them to remember them by and when I was trying to do so, this happened:

I think Luthien was the only goat who realized that this was a sad day:


  1. You and Stacy look so much alike with your hair short! Beautiful! I'm sure it wasn't easy to say goodbye to all of your pets.

    Happy New Year!

  2. I thought the same exact thing when I saw your short hair. Great minds....

  3. Great pics! Thank you for sharing a slice of your life!
