
Thursday, November 26, 2015

Building an Oven With Betty

I have really enjoyed working with a small group of women in Soroti to teach them on various skills they are interested in.  We have done baking of different kinds and making soap.  After teaching them about using my clay oven, some of them wanted to build their own oven at home.  Just recently, we built the first one at Betty's house.  Her husband did an amazing job building the base.  His looks so much more beautiful than the one I built!

While he was building the base, we ladies had tea.  Betty prepared us the biscuits I had taught them to bake on a frying pan.  This is the first time anyone has prepared something for me from one of my recipes and I can't tell you how much joy it gave me!

I didn't take a lot of pictures because I was covered in clay and sand, and I didn't want to get it all over the camera, but here's the whole group working on the oven.

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