
Thursday, August 20, 2015

TLT Graduation Dates and Information

By Anthony:

I have three TLT (Timothy Leadership Training) groups.  One is in Amuria district, one in Katakwi district, and one in Kaberamaido district.  Soroti, where we live, is nicely positioned in the middle between all these districts.  Two of the groups are from one PAG pastorate (a pastorate is a region of churches with a bishop to oversee them), and one group is from a different PAG pastorate.

I called representatives from each group, as well as the two bishops, to a meeting in Soroti to discuss the graduation.  We discussed and planned for an afternoon and they decided that instead of having three graduations, they would like to do one big graduation all together.

They decided to have Kaberamaido be the host and the graduation will take place at the main PAG church in Kaberamaido town.  Kaberamaido is taking care of the meal since the people from Amuria and Katakwi will have to pay a lot for their transport back and forth.  Some of the pastors struggle financially, as you know, because their churches don't support them well.  So I am asking all of you to please pray that God provides the funds that are needed for everyone involved in planning and attending this big event. 

The graduation will be a very big event in the lives of these pastors.  For some of them, it will be the most important graduation, (or the only graduation of any kind), that they've ever been a part of.  They are very excited to wear graduation gowns and receive a certificate for completing Timothy Leadership Training.  Most will become master trainers (completing all 6 manuals and certified to start their own TLT groups), and a few will graduate as basic trainers (completing at least 3 manuals). 

The date will be January 15th, 2016, which is a Friday.  We plan to be prompt with time.  Graduates arrive at 8:00am to prepare and the graduation is promptly at 12:00-2:00pm.  If you are in the area at this time, you are most welcome to attend this graduation and celebrate what God has done through all of these pastors and leaders!  If you plan to be there, let me know so I can prepare well and give you more information.  Thank you all for your support and encouragement over this long journey of two years of training these same groups.

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