
Thursday, June 18, 2015

KIDO Conservation Agriculture Training

One of the Ugandan partner organizations that we work with, KIDO, did a training for community motivators earlier this year about conservation agriculture.  These community motivators are going to be the ones helping with KIDO's work in their own communities.  So this training was to help them gain skills and knowledge that they will pass on to the groups they work with at home.

There were activities and also indoor lecture.  One of the activities was starting a demonstration plot.

They also got to see the demonstration of how covering the soil helps to prevent soil erosion.

I talked about the different kinds of plants they can use as green manures and cover crops in their gardens to help protect and improve the soil.

I also gave some practical ideas for how they can do conservation agriculture.  Part of this involved going outside and trying out different options for reducing tillage.  For example, using a dibble stick:

And digging planting stations.

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