
Thursday, May 7, 2015

Shopping in Uganda

By Sara

While bartering for food, Anthony and I pretty much never take pictures of the market.  But when my parents visited, they had some leisure to take some great pictures of what it looks like to shop in Uganda.  These are pictures from the new market in Mbale and the Arapai weekly market near Soroti.

When we lived in Mbale, the market was very cramped and made of random bits of metal and tarps for the roof, with narrow and muddy paths between vendors.  The government has been building new markets around the country and the one in Mbale was completed late last year.  It is a vast improvement and makes it even more fun to visit (I already like shopping for fresh food).

The market has more than one floor, so here is the view of one of the sections where they sell produce, from above.

We also visited the big, weekly market that takes place near Soroti.  People come from all over the area to sell pretty much everything.  Here are some giant piles of the tiny fish that we feed to our dog:

These are tamarind pods - I use them to make a tart juice and also made jam out of some that I bought here.

And here are some of the meat vendors:

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