
Thursday, April 2, 2015

Guest Post #2

By Sara's dad, Mike:

I have many thoughts and feelings about our trip to Uganda to visit Sara and Anthony.  I would like to share 4 things that were the most impactful to me.

1. Seeing Sara and Anthony at work as missionaries was emotional and meaningful.   They are gifted at what they do, and it is clear that they are right where God wants them to be right now.  Having read When Helping Hurts by Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert, and Generous Justice by Tim Keller, I could see how Sara and Anthony were very thoughtful in the way they minister to the Ugandans, seeking to help them address material, physical and spiritual poverty.  They respect the culture and behaviors that are consistent with God’s teaching, while addressing those behaviors that lead to brokenness.

2. Sara and Anthony introduced us to many of their Christian friends and work associates.  Everywhere we went, people were praying with and for us.  It is always encouraging to pray with brothers and sisters in Christ, but there is something very special about praying with Christians from another country and culture.   The richness of the prayers offered by our new Ugandan friends will remain fond memories for a long, long time.  It was truly a blessing to spend time in prayer with them.

3. Many people had told me that Ugandans are a beautiful and soft-spoken people.  That was certainly my experience.  I found Ugandans to be gracious, friendly, joyful, generous, hope-filled, God-loving people who seemed to truly live out their faith with actions.  I thank God for the time we spent with so many wonderful people during our stay in Uganda.

4. I have always shared with Sara a great love of nature, especially birds.  It was exciting for me to experience nature in Africa with Sara.  With her expert help, I tried to identify every bird I saw during our stay.  We took “bird walks” in Soroti, and also at Murchison Falls National Park.  We also went on a boat ride and game drives where we saw God’s amazing creatures on land, water and in the air.  I praise God for the beauty and wonder of His creation, and I am thankful for the opportunity I had to see part of the natural world in Uganda with Sara, Anthony, and Nancy.

1 comment:

  1. How great, Mike. Thanks for sharing your reflections. I love the second one as it reminds me of the breadth & fullness of The Body. Selah.
