
Thursday, April 9, 2015

Conservation Agriculture in Soroti

By Sara

When my parents came to visit, we benefited from their photography skills because they were able to take pictures of us doing our work in a way that we can't photograph ourselves!  Anthony even had time to come to this particular training, so some of the pictures below are from him and some from my parents.

I have done a couple trainings now for women in the main Soroti Pentecostal church and the most recent was the theory about conservation agriculture.  The practical part is still to come.  The church has some land that we're going to start a demonstration garden on sometime in April.

We talked about what conservation agriculture is and why it is important to take care of God's creation in our farming activities.

Here is a demonstration that shows the effects of rain on a ploughed and unploughed field.

The soil erosion demonstration comparing covered and bare soil was especially interesting, as usual.

Anthony and I were very cool in our matching clothes on this day.

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