
Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness - Book Recommendation

By Anthony:

The most important book I've read in this past year for my spiritual growth was also the shortest book I read.  It is called: The Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness, by Tim Keller (who happens to be my favorite author).  It's short, but profound.  It's less than 50 pages so you have no excuse not to read it!

Like all of us, I am a sinful person, and part of that sinful nature is a warped heart.  In a surprising way, I both struggle with pride thinking I am better than others, and other times I feel insecurity, feeling like I'm not good enough, not doing enough, not pleasing people enough.  I've been this way since I was a child, and I'm guessing I'm not alone!

This book powerfully explains what true gospel-humility should look like.  Most people realize that feeling we are better than others is prideful and sinful.  But in the book he argues that it is also not good to critique ourselves, feeling like we don't live up to others' expectations.  Instead the answer is not to focus on ourselves at all.  Because of the Gospel, we have been excused from the courtroom, Jesus took our place, and we have been justified.   There is no more need to critique ourselves, and no need to get upset at other people's criticisms.

Because of Jesus, now we don't do good in order to build a resume, we don't do good to please other people, we don't do good to prove we are better than others, and we don't do good to get affirmation from others. Now we do good things out of real enjoyment and wanting to follow Christ.

In the book he also totally takes apart the cultural idea that giving people more self-esteem is the answer to society's problems.  We are not to exalt ourselves, or hate ourselves, we should not focus on critiquing ourselves at all.   I found this book very convicting, and a good message to what is perhaps my greatest spiritual struggle.  It was truly the beginning of more freedom to read it.


  1. Thanks for the recommendation, Anthony. It sounds like it addresses a problem I struggle with, along with many others. I will definitely check it out!

  2. You are not alone. I have the same inner struggles, and I have found this book life-changing. It is small but mighty!

  3. Thank you! Can't wait to read this.
