
Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Pictures of Caleb

I've been saving up some fun pictures of Caleb to show all of you.  This is where Caleb is every day from about 10:00am to 4:00pm, when he is wiped out and sleeping.  It's hard to walk out the door!  We let him in the house sometimes too but generally he doesn't come in without permission.

Okay this one isn't Caleb, but still a fun pet picture.

Below are pictures of Caleb getting neutered in our yard.  As I said on facebook - "hopefully this will cause him to stop trying to reproduce with our goats trying to create an abnormal mutant dogoat. Such a creature may well be interesting to me, but I don't think Sara would approve."  Well, it was successful.  He is still a super excited crazy dog, but he is no longer mounting the goats.  The surgery was done very professionally and took a few hours for everything, including setup and post examinations.  They used horse tranquilizer so he wasn't fully back up to his normal self until the next day.

We enjoyed having our friend Marissa stay with us for a couple weeks.  She and Caleb really bonded and I'm sure Caleb misses her.

On our walks Caleb finds all sorts of interesting treasures like this corn cob.  He always has to snatch things quickly because I don't let him linger.  Among other things he's picked up and carried: unidentified poop, sticks, rope, a shoe, a doll, and plastic bags.

This could be a result of our sinful nature, but one of the most fun things on a walk is when Caleb sort of jumps at children (who are in no danger whatsoever), and they take off running and screaming.  We have found that children are more scared of a dog on a leash than a dog not on a leash.  It seems the children are usually not terrified but having fun being scared.

Below is Caleb gracefully pooping with all of the fowl in the yard coming to eat it up quickly.  It also works the other way around.  Caleb runs to eat the chicken poop as soon as it drops.  And don't forget the goats and their poop.  As you can see, we don't have to do a lot of picking up of poop in our yard.  And we don't let our animals lick our hands....

Below are some pictures of a hill in Soroti we walked up with Caleb.  It's not the famous "Soroti Rock" but it still gave us a good view.  Our house is somewhere in the trees yonder.

Soroti Rock in the distance.

A man and his faithful dog.


  1. Okay now can we get an ethical story on here. One other than the education of animal poop and other "stuff". Heehee!

  2. That's an awfully funny looking door mat.

    Bill D.
