
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Soroti TLT Graduation - Ministry is not done alone

Christian Reformed World Missions (sister organization to World Renew within the Christian Reformed Church) started a Timothy Leadership Training program in Soroti a few years ago, doing one manual every 6 months.  The students finally finished, and we were able to attend the graduation a couple Sundays ago!  This was a special day for me, not just because I care so much about TLT, and not just because I preached about the book of Job for the two morning services before the graduation service (with the power going out so I had to yell for most of the sermon). 

This was a special group to me for two reasons.  First, I taught this group their 6th manual and it was the first time I taught TLT in Uganda.  See my old post on that training here.   Second, I personally know most of the 35 graduates.  They are some of my closest friends and colleagues in Uganda.  I know you won't remember all of these names, but I have to show you some pictures. Ministry is not done alone.  Without these people I could not do all that I do.  If you come to visit us you can meet some of them!

Below is Martin and his family.  Martin is my colleague who teaches TLT with me in Amuria.  He has been so helpful in my ministry.  He was the first one from the Soroti TLT group to volunteer to help me teach.  And now he is a master trainer like me!

Here is Francis below, who has volunteered to help translate the TLT manuals into Ateso.  Because of his faithful work, the people I am training in Amuria, Katakwi, and Kaberamaido should be able to train leaders in their villages using Ateso manuals by the time they become master trainers.  Francis is working with one other man and I think they might be receiving some small support from local Soroti churches.  You can praise the Lord with us that they just completed the first manual in Ateso and it is already being passed on to others in Teso!

Below is the very joyful Betty, one of my co-trainers in Kaberamaido, now a master trainer.  I'm so glad to have women in leadership giving their unique perspectives during trainings.

Below is Joseph.  We have known Joseph for a long time as he was one of our best students five years ago at the Pentecostal Theological College in Mbale .  Now he is the pastor of the PAG church we attend in Soroti when we aren't traveling around.  We love having him as our pastor, and I still get a chance to teach him a bit as he is in my Soroti pastors learning group.

Below is Lazarus, my fellow trainer in Katakwi.  He might miss our next Katakwi TLT however, because he will be on his honeymoon!

Below is our friend Baker.  He does not train with me, but we really appreciate the work he is doing.  He goes around training women and young girls how to make sanitary pads in an inexpensive way, and teaching them good health practices.  It might sound like an odd ministry for a man, but he is doing a good job.   Unfortunately many girls do not get taught in a healthy way about menstruation and feel shame.  Some think menstruation is part of a curse from witchcraft.

Below is Agnes and her husband.  Agnes is one of my fellow TLT trainers in Kaberamaido.  She has been a huge help.  She is the women's leader in the Soroti PAG main church, and has also been working with Sara to plan baking trainings and demonstration gardens to train Soroti women.

Below is pastor Moses from Soroti PAG main church.  He is a very good pastor, but I don't know how he handles such a busy schedule taking care of a 2,000 member church!  Compared to his schedule, my life is so easy.  Moses helps me organize the Soroti pastors learning group.  He also is one of my fellow TLT trainers in Kaberamaido.  He is my go-to person for organizing anything in Soroti.

Below is Emmanuel.  He was a degree student at Pentecostal Theological College while were there.  Now he is ministry coordinator for PAG Soroti pastorate.  It is an important position and a very busy position.  Emmanuel has helped me organize some events, and he also hooked us up with Paul who works for us watching our animals.  He is a good friend.

There you have it.  A few of the friends God has gifted us with.  As I said before, ministry is not done alone.  I thank God for these people all the time.

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