
Thursday, October 30, 2014

Soroti Pastors Learning Group

I have been having a lot of fun discussions with local PAG pastors in Soroti.  I started a group for us to learn from one another.  We meet once or twice a month.  I sometimes teach on something short but we try to keep it mostly discussion.  Since I have great access to resources (like my computer's Bible software/book library), I print articles for us to read at home and then discuss.  They suggest the topics they want to learn about more in-depth, and then I prepare something.  Each time we have a slightly different group because it is informal and you are allowed to miss. 
Let me tell you about a few of the topics we have looked at.  I taught them the 4-Page preaching method, and they each had to write a sermon and preach to the group for 5 minutes and get critiqued.  We discussed the practicalities and reasons around building or expanding church buildings.  We have recently been discussing celibacy and singleness and how to care for such people in our churches.  The next big topic is handling the controversial issue of women in church leadership.  Because the Christian Reformed Church waded through this difficult topic for so many years, I have some good insight to share regarding both perspectives.

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