
Thursday, October 16, 2014

Motorcycle Dedication

We recently visited a church where there were lots of children excited to get their picture taken!

But the really interesting part of the service was that after they dedicated children inside, everyone went outside to dedicate a new motorcycle that one of the church members had just bought.

At first glance, it seems like a really strange thing, dedicating a motorcycle in church.  But when you think about it, why not come together and commit to serving God with our belongings?  And to pray as a church that this family would glorify God through their use of the motorcycle and stay safe on the roads?

So here is Anthony's first experience leading prayers for a motorcycle (and the family).


  1. Very cool. That motorcycle owner had the kind of faith that God loves, a childlike faith and trust in his God. I wish more of us were like that, myself included.

  2. Amen! Why not dedication prayers for our homes and other possessions?! It would remind us that we are stewards, not owners, of all God graciously gives us.
