
Thursday, October 9, 2014

Interesting Pictures From the Last 2 Months

Here is a picture of the two men who work for us during the day.  They take turns working, week on and week off.  We have them so that when we are out doing trainings someone is here to watch our animals and keep the place secure during daytime hours (we have a night guard also).  On the left is Herbert and on the right is Paul.  We appreciate them both very much.  They are honest, hard working, and very caring for our animals.  And they both love the Lord.

I tried to get this picture of Sara with every animal we own (aside from the chameleons in the garden, maybe minus a chick or two).  I would have got it, but when Caleb saw me he ran toward me.  We have a lot of "feeding frenzies" like this in our yard.

Here is a video of a traditional African dance from our World Renew meeting in Entebbe in September.  It was part of our celebration for Andy Ryskamp's (co-executive director of World Renew) visit to us in Uganda and his upcoming retirement.

Something that I find very cool is that Sara visited a church somewhere in Kaberamaido throughout the course of her work, and look what she found on the wall of the church.  It's an action plan of one of the pastors who was at my TLT training!  It is so encouraging to see that he even shared his plan with the church and is committed to carrying it through.  In this plan, he wants to train other church leaders using the TLT manual on Caring for God's People.

Here we have our kitchen.  We realize you probably haven't seen a picture of it except for when we moved in and it was empty.  This is what it looks like after we get back from the market.  Can you spot my hidden treats?

We bought all this food below for about $7 USD.

Here we have my desk, my bald head, and my nearly perfect doggie.

Here we have Sara.  Some people need coffee, some need to hang out with their dog.  What Sara needs every day is a little goat cuddle time.


  1. Thank you so much for sharing these pictures. It really helps put a face to your life so that we can feel more connected. I especially enjoyed the picture of the list on the church wall because it demonstrates the benefits of your work and our support of it.

  2. Great pictures! We love to hear your reports, and we continue to pray for you and thank God for you.

  3. What an unexpected blessing to see the TLT training list on the wall of the church! Beautiful picture of Sarah cuddling the goat.
