
Monday, August 25, 2014

More Field Work and Baking

In some areas of Amuria, KIDO is working with communities to plant vegetables using nursery beds and then transplanting them in rows.  I got to participate on one of the days when they were transplanting.  Here is the nursery bed with grown-up tomatoes.

We used a rope to make straight lines and tied pieces of plastic bag on the rope at the proper intervals for planting.

Since it was still hot while we were planting, people collected grass and used it to cover the plants to protect them from the sun after transplanting.

I did another baking training recently too, in Katakwi.  This time, along with steaming cakes, we also made some "stovetop" biscuits. 

We just used a dry skillet and flipped the biscuits over several times throughout the baking process.  The bakers were very tough and used their bare hands to do this!

Of course, it was a lot of fun and made everyone happy to get to eat tasty baked goods at the end.

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