
Thursday, August 14, 2014

Inservice Bible School Graduation

A while back, we each taught classes for the Inservice Bible School in Amuria (Bible courses for pastors and church leaders who aren't able to make it to the official Bible School in Mbale).  As a result, when the students were graduating, we were invited to attend the graduation, as some of their teachers.  These students started courses two years ago, meeting for a week at a time a few times throughout the year.  It was a pretty exciting event for them to be official graduates, after all that work.

All of the teachers had to wear caps and gowns too.  We thought we were done with that when we graduated from seminary in 2009, but apparently not!

One unique aspect of the graduation was the parade through town with a band leading the way, the entire graduating class, and the teachers (including us), followed by family members and pretty much everyone else in town who wasn't watching from the sides of the road.  I really wished I had the camera because it was very amusing.  Mostly just because we were a couple of random mzungus in the middle of this parade.

I did manage to get a couple of pictures at the end of the graduation, when the band was marching away from the venue.

Below are some of the ladies who cooked for everyone who attended the graduation:

Although it was a very long ceremony, it was exciting to see the students who have worked hard to gain more theological knowledge so they can be better pastors and church leaders.  We are glad that they appreciate their education so much!

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