
Thursday, July 3, 2014

What Has Sara Been Doing?

Maybe you are wondering whether I am just sitting around doing nothing (or just holding a baby goat) while Anthony has been doing these weeks of When Helping Hurts trainings.  So here is a highlight of some of the things I have been up to over the last few weeks.

Yes, hanging out with the baby goat:

But while I did that, I was doing a lot of administrative work planning our upcoming trip to Kenya and Tanzania to visit World Renew programs there.  I also have been working on a project that I started with one of the KIDO field staff - compiling a list of edible plants in Teso (our area of Uganda) and information about how they can be eaten.

With some of the KIDO staff, I visited the region of Teso that borders Karamoja.  They are working on a proposal to start doing programs in that area and wanted to meet with communities there to figure out what kind of program would be best.

Here is a clinic, staffed by one nurse, that serves two villages:

People in one of the communities we visited keep their cattle chained up at night so they don't get stolen by cattle raiders.

And here are some pictures chatting with the community members.

Additionally, I have read over their rough draft of the proposal and have been discussing ideas about it with the manager of KIDO, Simon.

You know about how I have done some trainings for baking.  Well, learning to bake cakes is certainly a desire for lots of people.  So the baking trainings continue.  In general, I train a small group of people who are then able to go out and train others.  It is fun to show people how easy it is to bake a cake and then to see their enjoyment at the end of the training of eating the cakes that they baked.

1 comment:

  1. Luthien's face is too precious for me. I think this may have to become my new computer background. Take care friends!
