
Thursday, June 19, 2014

Chameleon Love Story

At the moment, I have two chameleons in my cage, one tiny smooth chameleon, and a big slender chameleon.   I was given another big slender chameleon in the village a couple weeks ago and didn't want to crowd my cage.  Chameleons are solitary animals.

So I put the new one in a large mango tree in our yard. The next day in the afternoon, it ran across the yard and climbed up onto the cage.  It turns out the one in the cage is a female, and this new one was a male.  I let him into the cage and they proceeded to affectionately hold hands and hug each other.   After that they proceeded to mate for about an hour.  Later I had to remove the male once again or they would eventually fight.  Now the male is back in the mango tree (hiding so well I can't see him).  I'm hoping the female will lay her eggs in the sand I put in the bottom of the cage.  Here is a video of them getting to know one another at the beginning.

Here is a video of them trying to compete over a grasshopper while they were hugging.

I decided this picture is not too graphic, so here you go.  This is them in the process of mating.  

Scientists are still not sure if the male chameleon is attracted by the coloring on the female or if the male is attracted by some pheromones.  I'm in communication with some herpetologists and they took great interest in my story!

Last, here is a picture of the smaller chameleon having just caught a grasshopper.

If you want more videos of chameleons or other pets, just request to me what you want, and I'll try to post more.

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