
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Sara's Garden

While I waited for KIDO planting projects to begin, I got my gardening fix in our own yard.

Here are the humble beginnings of the garden beds:

This being a hot, tropical place, things got growing very quickly:

And now, Anthony and I don't have to buy any greens at all.  We can eat all we want from my garden!

Here you can see some local greens (malakwang - related to okra), sweet potatoes, and sunflowers.

There is also grain amaranth, egusi melon, okra, tomatoes, onions, jackbeans, cowpeas, pigeon peas, lima beans, cucumbers, roselle, collard greens, and carrots.

And don't forget the luffa, lablab, tepary beans, winged beans, malabar spinach, peppers, and liana beans.  I think that is everything for now.

The fence became necessary after the chickens decided that everything in the garden was worth eating...

Also, a blog post just wouldn't be complete without a few animal pictures.

Like Lokey the goat trying to eat a mango whole (goats only have front teeth on their bottom jaw, so you can imagine how tricky this would be - hence the crazed goat eyes).


  1. Beautiful garden!

    I wish my ed bed looked as good... but I am growing winged bean, malabar spinach, and okra as well :)

  2. I don't blame the chickens for wanting to share in your bounty -- what a beautiful, abundant garden!

  3. I want a garden sooooo bad! But will have to vicariously enjoy yours. Amazing!

  4. Love your garden! The goat picture cracks me up too!

  5. I LOVE your garden!!...Happy Eating!!! :-D

  6. Amazing! You must be a wonderful gardener! And I have no idea what half the things are.
