
Thursday, May 15, 2014

Our Family, Caleb and a Skink

Here is a picture of some of our family at home.

Just for fun, here is a video of Caleb that we think is funny.

And a cute picture of him and Sara.

And pictures of when I had to take Caleb to the vet for his vaccinations.  Sara already was away with the vehicle so I took my bicycle.  He did very well, except for when it started raining on us, then he almost bailed.  The first picture shows our failed first attempt.

In other pet news, a guard left a small part of the gate open during the night and the two hedgehogs we had ran away.  (Although the little one died, a guard had given us a 2nd adult).  But now we have none :(

Here is a very beautiful grasshopper.

My big chameleon is not doing so well.  We had a flurry of flying white ants (large termites) coming out of the ground and the chameleon ate about 40 of them.  I saw big piles that it threw up later.  I think its stomach may have burst.  It looks like it is dying, but so far it is hanging on.  Maybe it's just taking a long time to digest.  I put him in one of the trees of our yard because we were given another large chameleon and the cage is not big enough for so many.  So now we have two big ones, and one small one.  Here is a photo of the wings of the white ants just in a small section of our porch.  Likely there are no bodies in the picture because Caleb probably ate them all during the night.

And here is a skink we found in our yard.  The species is Peters' Writhing Skink I believe.  It moves and looks like a snake, but it isn't.

We added a couple more species of fowl to our household too: a turkey and a guinea hen.   We were startled one day when we came home to discover a second guinea hen in our yard with the first.  It turns out he is just our guinea's boyfriend who comes and goes as he pleases (from who knows where).

Last,  a giant beetle.  These are on our porch most mornings.

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