
Thursday, April 24, 2014

More pictures of our pets

This post is not ministry related, but it is for our family and anyone else who wants to see our pets.  The first and second videos are really funny.  There are pictures after the videos.
Caleb defending his food from the chickens:
Caleb not doing well at playing fetch.
But look at his impressive skills in the videos below.

This is the new hedgehog we recently got from our neighbor, very small and cute.  We hand-plucked 6 pea sized ticks from it.  Unfortunately it became very weak a couple days later.  I think it was lost from its mother too early.  I tried to help it by spoon-feeding it milk and insects, but it was too weak to even eat, and it died.  Very sad.



  1. May you have children as obedient as your dog :D You have trained Caleb well!

  2. Sorry to hear about the little hedgie :(
    Your dog is adorable! Thanks for sharing.
