
Friday, April 4, 2014

Chores at Home

Here are the beautiful trees outside of our gate, and we wanted to show you how we do laundry every week.  It looks challenging but it's really pretty simple and doesn't take too long.

And here is a picture of Sara doing the hard work of preparing matooke for dinner.  I appreciate her passion and service in cooking.  I eat well, but I also do a lot of dishes :)  Sara says it is a fair exchange, especially since I help with preparing the food too.

And of course we take care of our animals too.  We now have a hedgehog!

Here is the World Renew vehicle we've been using for our time here.  The other day we bought a guest bed, so now you can come visit.  See you soon!


  1. Love your animals. You are so fortunate to have them and you have such a wonderful place to call home.


  2. I've never seen a hedgehog as a pet! Makes me smile! You have a beautiful home there and it looks very peaceful. May God bless your work.
