
Saturday, March 1, 2014

Mail in Uganda

Last time we lived in Uganda, we were able to receive packages in the mail, but letters never arrived.  The good news is that this time, we can (belatedly) receive letters!  If you send a letter to us, care of the US World Renew office, they will forward it to the World Renew office in Uganda once a month.  From there, it will be sent on to Soroti.

Sara or Anthony Sytsma
c/o Mary Dykstra, World Renew
1700 28th St.
Grand Rapids, MI 49508 

Alternatively, if you wanted to spend extra money on postage and send us a package, you can address it directly to the World Renew office in Kampala:

Sara or Anthony Sytsma
c/o World Renew - Uganda
Plot 397 Bunga Hill, off Ggaba Road
P.O. Box 4473, Kampala, Uganda

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