
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Becoming a TLT Master Trainer

By Anthony:

I just finished my last week of Timothy Leadership Training.  During this week we went through the last three manuals of the program: Serving God in Work and Worship, Overcoming Violence in the Family, and God's Plan for Sustainable Development.   The title of the last one is a bit confusing as it is not about agricultural or economic development but rather is about spiritual growth and change in people and churches.

All the manuals were good and I am looking forward to teaching them.  I have to admit that the one about overcoming violence in the family (which includes everything from sexual abuse, to verbal abuse, to pornography) is the one I am most excited to teach, as I know that it is common in Uganda for men to beat their wives.  It should be a powerful time going through this material with the pastors as they think about how to fight against domestic abuse in their churches.

There were fewer people at this training, but that meant we all got to participate even more fully in the discussions.  Below is the group I discussed these manuals with over the week.

Because I finished all seven manuals, I have completed Timothy Leadership Training officially and have now received the title of "Master Trainer."  Here is a photo below of the foot washing ceremony as I officially graduated the program and am being sent off to train others.   The people I train will eventually become Master Trainers just like myself and go on to train even more pastors and church leaders.

It was a very edifying week full of great conversation and discussing God's Word and how to apply it to our lives.  Just as an aside, two of the pastors I met this past week shared their testimonies with me.  Both of them came to Christ on their own just through God revealing himself through his Word as they read it.  The Bible is powerful! Don't underestimate how God can use it!

Here are some pictures of most of the participants together:

As I left, this pastor below told me to try to stir up as much trouble for Satan in Uganda as I can.  I appreciated his parting challenge very much.  I fully plan to cause some trouble, as the Holy Spirit empowers me!

1 comment:

  1. Clearly this group, while very spiritual, would have been vastly improved with a few more swords...
