
Articles Written by Anthony

Articles Written by Anthony

God Calls Me to Give. But to Everyone? - Published at Christianity Today

Help “Sexual Minorities” Without Belittling Them - Published by the Abide Project

Reflections from a Missionary Reconnect Trip - On the CRC Network

Sending out Gandalfs - On the CRC Network

Is Wealth Creation Evil? - Published on The Gospel Coalition Africa

Christians in Business: Necessary or Naive? - Published on The Gospel Coalition Africa

Your Job is a Blessing, Both for You and Your Community - Published on The Gospel Coalition Africa

7 Ways to Honour God in Your Work - Published on The Gospel Coalition Africa

If Your Motivation for Work is Low, God Can Fill it Up - Published on The Gospel Coalition Africa

Work: God's Blessing or a Punishment? - Published on The Gospel Coalition Africa

Reflections on Netflix's Pray Away - Published by the Abide Project

Why Not Pay for Pastors to Attend Trainings - On the CRC Network

Does Africa Need more Bible Colleges - On the CRC Network

A Ugandan Perspective on Homosexuality - Published by the Christian Courier

Missionary Road Rage - Published by A Life Overseas

Should we send “ordinary Christians” as missionaries? What I’ve learned from the Ugandan church - Published by A Life Overseas

Three Things the CRC can Learn from PAG Uganda - On the CRC Network

The Unexpected Joys of Visiting - Published by The Banner.

Mission Hits - Recommended Resource - On the CRC Network

Devotional for Development Workers and Missionaries - On the CRC Network

Purposefully Putting Culture Before Christ - On the CRC Network

The Power of Four Page Sermons in Uganda - On the CRC Network

Do I Sacrifice? - On the CRC Network

Thoughts about Preaching - On the CRC Network

Articles about Anthony's Ministry

Changed Perspectives on Poverty and People in Need - Testimony about Helping Without Hurting in Africa.

The Great Commission: A Command for the African Church Too - Crossway article

Helping Without Hurting in Africa Book Review - By Bob Bagley.

Equipping Community Leaders Through Training You Provide - About Helping Without Hurting in Africa

The Messy Reformation Podcast Interview - Part 2.

The Messy Reformation Podcast Interview - Part 1. 

Recommended Resource: Helping Without Hurting in Africa - Review of our curriculum at The Gospel Coalition Africa.

From Witch Doctor to Disciple of Christ - Published by Resonate Global Mission

A Story of Lost Sheep - Published by Resonate Global Mission

Helping Without Hurting in Africa Launch Webinar - Video by the Chalmers Center

A New Radio Program in Uganda Digs Deep into God’s Word - Published by The Banner

Timothy Leadership Institute Graduates Celebrate in Uganda - Published by World Renew

TLT Graduates Celebrate in Uganda - On CRC News

Minnesota Church Holds "Invite Your Neighbor to Church Day" - Published by The Banner

Serving Through Word and Seed in Uganda - On CRC News

Recorded Sermons

8-29-23 - The Gospel and Loving the Poor - From Midland Evangelical Free Church

8-11-19 - Accountability You Cannot Do It Alone - From Family of Faith Church

7-7-19 - Jesus' Unequivocal Power - From Midland Evangelical Free Church

12-16-12 – Do You Understand What You Are Reading? - From Family of Faith Church

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