
Thursday, October 26, 2017

October Prayer Letter

Thank you to everyone for your interest in this ministry, your financial support, and your prayers for us.   You can download our latest prayer letter here - October Prayer Letter Kenya

Thursday, October 12, 2017

World Renew Story about my Work!

By Anthony:

Go to this link to see a story World Renew shared about my work.  I think you will find it interesting and encouraging.  It was awesome for me to see how one of my students put into practice what he had learned.  The link goes to a pdf file, so it might take a minute to load.

The Fruits of a Theological Education:

Here is another photo that goes with the story.  This is Sammy talking to some of the orphans their church is supporting:

Kampala Traffic

By Anthony:

A friend shared this first video below on facebook and I thought it might be interesting to you.  These videos (not taken by us) will help you to understand why we get stressed out and exhausted while driving, especially in big cities like Kampala, and why I struggle with road rage, and why you should keep praying for our travel safety.  The boda bodas (motorcycle taxis) pop out of nowhere all the time, coming past you from any direction or side.  It's common for them to break people's mirrors.  We've seen this happen as well as other accidents. We used to take bodas all the time when we were first in Uganda, but now we try to avoid them.

The first is a BBC news video that is on youtube.

The second is a random video I found on youtube of people driving on boda bodas through Kampala.  There are plenty more videos there on youtube if you are interested!